Saturday, October 10, 2009

Happy Bday Beo!

Happy bday beo!!;p
Well, bukan cuma ultah beo sih, tp halal bihalal jugaa..

I'm using baby blue eye-shadow, can you see it?

free ceragem therapy..:)

Selesai acara di rumah beo, gw, alfon, ikan, beo, risma & ntin lanjut karaoke deehh..;p
Have no pics when we're karaoke-ing, coz my digicam ran out of battery..:(
Should wait til risma upload her pics on FB..;p

P.S: The other cat already gave birth too today. FIVE new kittens mean 15 CATS at home.. waaaahhh...


  1. foto gue manaaa!!?? kok gak ada? foto dia mana!!? yang itu lohhh.... hyahahaaaaa

  2. ahahahak ssssssssssshhhhhttttttt!!! jgn berisik looo!!! kalo foto yang lain blom sempet, kmaren lama bets dah uploadnyaaaa.. sabaaarrr.. hehe

  3. ceragem terapi itu apa yaa ndah?hehe

    yuuk..dtg ke UI expo,,siapa tau kita bisa ktmu disana..hehe..untung aja kamu ga dtg yg ke fisip..bnr2 ga ptg..hahaha

    o iyaa,,jgn lupa ikutan giveaways aq yaaa :D

    makasiii ya indaaah :D

  4. td aq comment nyampe ga yaa? :-/
    dr kmrn mau comment gagal trs, parah bgt niy koneksi internet aq :((..huhuhu

  5. @Fika comment kamu nyampe sayaaanngg..

    ceragem itu terapi batu giok, orang2 sih kebanyakan nyebutnya gitu. hehehe..;p

    okaaaaaayyy, aku ikutan deeehhh. hihihi..;p
