Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Yahoo! Open Hack Day 2009

Day 1

Worked as a crew for Yahoo! Open Hack Day 2009

Day 2

Went together : Cinema & NAV


Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Yesterday, me and some friends went to Pondok Indah to be briefed..;p
But before, as usual, we took some pictures!:D

haha. c u guys!:D

Friday, November 13, 2009

New Hair Cut-RCC-The Ugly Truth

Hell-ow everybody!
I'm baack!!:)

Last Sunday we (me & Alfon) had new hair cut!
Feel bit unsatisfied, but, Alfon said he like it..:D

Then yesterday, me, Mia n Risma (only me & Mia exactly) went to Rumah Cantik Citra (RCC) at Margonda. We had hand and foot spa. Very relaxing, and the impo
rtant thing is, CHEAP! haha. Only spent IDR 40,000 for both spa.

After had the spa, me & Mia picked Risma at our beloved campus. Then we decided to watch a movie at Margo city. We watched 'The Ugly Truth', it's quite entertaining..:)

lunch at 4.30 pm?

new hair cut, what do u think? too short, eh?

grocery shopping? not really.. lol

Well, see u on next update!!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

First Award

An award from fika..:)
To accept the award, fika did these things:
-Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
- Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
- Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
- Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.
- Nominate 7 Kreative Bloggers and tell about it on their blog.
umm, already did no 1 - 3.
the others will be updated SOON. PROMISE.
Gotta go now!!:)


I'm about to fulfill my promise to u guys..:)
ummm, eh? 7 things ppl might find interesting? ok, i'll try my best..:D
1. Only have 1 boyfriend in the last 7 years. LOL.
I never feel bored, I don't know why, but I always feel so happy when we're together. He's my boyfriend, but sometimes he can be a friend that I can share with, also a brother.
2. Love sewing!:D I already made lots of dresses, skirts by myself, also for my self..:) Then I decided to run a business from my hobby. Now I'm preparing for the new collections. Don't forget to visit http://catcheshop.blogspot.com..
3. Im affraid of many things. :D. But roaches, running chickens and the height are the most frightening for me.
4. I cant go out without pink blush on. Since I dont like to put any lipsticks on my lips, I decided to put some pink sheers on my cheeks.
5. Im a kinda sensitive person..:) I cry when I see skinny cats, dogs and other animals. I also cry when I see an old man/woman still works for his/her life.
6. Love animals. I had 8 hamsters, 8 birds, fishes.
until they died because of illness. Now I have 15 cats..:D
7. Love karaoke-ing..:) When ppl already lost their voice in 2 hours of karaoke-ing, I still can sing, for some hours. LOL. wanna dare me? for how many hours?:D

Then, here's the Kreative Bloggers:
1. little bread loves tomato
2. pastel girl
3. the wardrobeland
4. huelicious.
5. my world.my blog.my journey.
6. cupcake vs stiletto
7. antara dsc

Well, well, well. It's a WRAP!!:D

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Just in a week

Hello everybodyyyy!
I think I'm a bad blogger, cuz I already abandoned it for almost 2 weeks..:(

Lota things I did last week.
Here's the resume..:)

Went to Police Office on Monday

Not to get a driver license, but to make SKCK. I spent almost 3 hours there, and saw many ppl did that kinda things as shown in picture..:)

Went to Bandung with Alfon & Victor on Wednesday

Hang out with Alfon on Saturday

Btw, I planned to buy Anna Sui Compact Powder on Saturday, BUT UNFORTUNATELY, the powder is not AVAILABLE til the end of DECEMBER, all over Indonesia. DANG!!:(

Family day out at Cimory, Puncak on Sunday

Recent DIY

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Better Be Late Than Never

October 24, 2009 was our 7th (me and alfon) anniversary..:)


Thanks for everything!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Don't be Jealous!:)

Hello girls..:)
Dont be jealous...

i just received vouchers from

By the way, have you followed

Friday, October 16, 2009

Job Hunting

It's 2 days update of job hunting..:)

Day 1:

came too late, yes too late. So we decided to come back the next day..:)

Day 2:

felt so sleepy..

see a tail? that's my cat..:)

the job hunters..:)

Unfortunately, I didnt meet any bloggers there..:)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What Do You Think?

Hi guys!
What do you think about the new look of this blog?
Especially the new header?;p

I have nothing to do today.
Then I decided to make a new header for my blog..;p

Did u know that I also love photoshop-ing?
I can spend a whole day in front of a computer, photoshop-ing..:)

Well, hope you enjoy the new look guys!!;p

Pattern Your Legs!

Wanna show y'all that I just made a legging!;p
Can't wait to wear it..;p

Note: It took less than an hour to make the legging!

Sweet Escape 1st Giveaways!! Get the Necklaces :D

Olaa!! I just tried my luck at Fika 1st Giveaways..
Wish me luck girls!!;p

How to enter the giveaways??
just click here.
OCTOBER 20th, 2009 is the last date to entry the giveaways!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Happy Bday Beo!

Happy bday beo!!;p
Well, bukan cuma ultah beo sih, tp halal bihalal jugaa..

I'm using baby blue eye-shadow, can you see it?

free ceragem therapy..:)

Selesai acara di rumah beo, gw, alfon, ikan, beo, risma & ntin lanjut karaoke deehh..;p
Have no pics when we're karaoke-ing, coz my digicam ran out of battery..:(
Should wait til risma upload her pics on FB..;p

P.S: The other cat already gave birth too today. FIVE new kittens mean 15 CATS at home.. waaaahhh...

My Cat Gave Birth!

Hay haaayy..;p

Did u know that I have 6 cats?
And one of my cat gave birth at Oct 6..
Four new kittens, now I have 10, YES, 10 CATS..:)

Monday, October 5, 2009


Kadang-kadang apa yang kita mau belum tentu bisa kita dapatkan.
Walaupun kita sudah berusaha, berdoa, berusaha lagi, berdoa lagi...
Tapi gw percaya, Allah selalu tau apa yang terbaik buat gw,
buat kita semua..
karena Allah tidak memberikan apa yang kita mau,
tapi apa yang kita butuhkan..:)

Jangan pernah lelah dan putus asa guys!!
Terus berusaha dan berdoa!!!!

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Woaaaaaa, me & my family went to Ancol today.
Surprisingly, I found that ATLANTIS and DUFAN are already booked by Bank Mandiri.
as the banner said, DITUTUP UNTUK UMUM.
+/- 50,000 people come to those places.

My New Favorite Places, with My Favorite DIY Dress

Hay haaayy..:)

Well, well, the title ABSOLUTELY means that I DO have new
favorite places and a new favorite dress, DIY means I sewed it by my own hand!! (plus the sewing-machine, lol)

We (refers to me and my life partner--> alfon, * i say that because we've been together for almost 7 years!!) went to TMII (Taman Mini Indonesia Indah) accidentally (*oh yes accidentally), yesterday (10/3). The word TMII just popped out when he asked me, "where shud we go now?", and surprisingly he said that he also thought about the same place. Waaaaahhh..;p

Theeeennn, it becomes my new fav place (1st), especially the bird park. Here's the pics..:))

ini lho dress nya.. hihihi (front & back)

And, my second fav place is toys cafe..:) i also have fav food there, i forgot what exactly the name is, it is a pancake, with cheese and banana inside, plus choco ice cream. yummy yuummm!! (*unfotunately i didn't take the pic of the pancake, maybe next time, and i'll post it.) oh, and yes, i looooove how the owner treats customers. He's friendly. He even helped me and alfon to play sudoku, which we're too dumb to play it. lol.
look at my dumb face. lol.

Last destination, we went t plangi. I wanted to use vouchers my mom gave at gaudi. I took almost an hour to pick which bag/outfit that I shud buy. Finally,
I chose the grey one. I paid it, and when I was walking out the store, I found a cute pink bag. Then after thinking less than a minute, I decided to buy the bag. LOL. LOL. LOL, this time with my own money coz I wanna save the voucher at least til the end of year. 2 bags on hand, got home with full of happines. but it isn't over yet, evidently, my mom just got home also from mall, and bought me a bag! DANG!!! Thanks mommy, 3 new bags in a day. ooohhh, i looooovvvveeeeee them so much!! *my dad, "if you buy 1 bag, then u shud give 1 of ur old bag to someone who need that..". then i shud give 3 bags? ok daddy, it'll be considered..:)

Thanks to alfon! Btw, for more pics, go to my FB page!!

Good nite!!

P.S: I was in a bad hair day moment, pppfffffffffffhhh..:(